


國元証券(香港)有限公司 - 有關個人資料(私隱)條例事宜










在其他情況下,國元會把國元及其相關聯實體提供的投資服務資訊刊登在國元網頁 (www.gyzq.com.hk) 以供有興趣的客戶查看。如果客戶想了解更多關於特定的投資服務,國元網頁也將提供設備以供客戶查詢更多的詳細資料。客戶也可以通過電話、傳真、電郵或親自到國元的辦事處要求更多的服務詳情。有關國元相關聯實體提供的服務,客戶須在網上同意國元提供您的個人資料於相關聯實體以發送電郵給您。




如有查詢,可電郵 compliance@gyzq.com.hk 或致電 (852) 3769-6820





本文所提供的資料只為一般資訊, 並不構成招攬或要約,或推薦購買或出售任何投資產品,同時亦不構成達成任何交易或任何法律行為。


(Guoyuan serves this website according to guideline issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data)


Dear client,


In light of the new “direct marketing” requirements under the amended Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with effect from 1 April, 2013, Guoyuan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited (“Guoyuan”) would like to inform our clients regarding the future marketing activities of investment services provided by Guoyuan and its associated entities (associated entities are subsidiaries of Guoyuan Group).

First of all, information or service updates as required by relevant law, rules, codes, or guidelines drawn up by regulators governing the business of Guoyuan will be emailed to all clients as usual. Examples include new Guoyuan office address, client agreement changes and free training courses, etc. If it is explicitly provided in the relevant law, rules, codes, or guidelines that notification is only necessary to the affected clients, Guoyuan will only send emails to those clients who have agreed to use the service relating to the notification. For instance, change in stock margin ratios is only sent to clients with their stock margin sub-accounts activated.

In other cases, Guoyuan will place information of our investment services provided by Guoyuan and its associated entities on our website www.gyzq.com.hk for interested clients to view. Our website will also provide the facility for clients to request for further information from Guoyuan only if you want to know more about a particular investment service. Clients may also request for service details by phone, fax or email to Guoyuan or in person to one of our customer service offices. For services provided by an associated entity of Guoyuan, clients are required to agree online to the provision of your personal data to that associated entity before the corresponding email is sent to you.

Since inception, no personal data of our clients have ever been provided to any third party outside Guoyuan Group, except regulators, auditors, exchanges, and clearinghouses owing to the provision of Guoyuan services. This policy has been and will be upheld by Guoyuan.


Should you have any queries, please contact us via e-mail compliance@gyzq.com.hk or telephone at (852) 3769-6820


Thanks and Regards

Guoyuan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited



The contents are provided for information purposes only, which do not constitute a solicitation or offer, or recommendation, to buy or sell any investment instruments, to effect any transactions, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever.